Photography Credit: My Sustainable Earth
I've been trying out so many bars of soap in the last year and I love it.
Well, I don't actually love these bars. The Clean and Green soapbars are quite soft and the Eucalyptus bar only lasted us 3 weeks in the shower. Usually a soap bar lasts us over 6 weeks.
I'm also not a big fan of the smell of the Eucalyptus one, even though the Rose and Geranium is much better. They remind me of those old soap bars at every grandma's house.
I have found out that I really don't like the smell of shea butter, so I really need added fragrances to cover that smell up.
The good thing about these bars is that they aren't expensive at all at £3 per bar - the reason why I bought them. Sad to say I won't be buying these again.
Click here for reviews on soaps by Geo Generation and Nuddy.
Read more about soap and what to look out for when buying eco-friendly soap bars here.